My New Year’s Resolution

Ahh, the New Year–time for family and food and drinks…and resolutions…gar.

Usually I fill my resolution card with tasks that would be miracles to accomplish, then I promptly forget them, since they are written down somewhere and that somewhere is then lost.  So, I wanted to write them down here, where I can digitally check them off, and bow to the pressure of social shame.  I’ve broken them down into categories, which should help my tracking.  Here we go:


Manage two days (min.) of climbing a week

Redpoint Scott Free (12b) at Madrone

Start a mid-12 project, and send within the year

Onsight a low 12 or high 11…

Climb the Passenger up at Washington Pass

Climb the Becky-Chounaird in the Bugaboos

Climb the North Ridge of Stuart with Hana

Support Hana’s climbing goals (Wherever I May Roam, probably some mountains, more leading)

Climb at 5 new crags–(City of Rocks, I’m looking at you!)

Go on a road trip

Maintain an injury-free year (since my finger was injured last year, it doesn’t count.)


Run 5-10 miles per week (ugh.)

Start very light weightlifting again (see injury-free year)

Start physical therapy for my back

Maybe a half-marathon again…dunno


Skin Hood 3 times, with less huffing and puffing.

Ski a new mountain (both resort and entirely new)

Backpack the Goat Rocks again

Backpack with the Little Burkes

Visit Crater Lake

Visit the Wallowas

Climb another Oregon volcano (Mt. Jefferson?)


Publish more pieces than last year (so over 5, but overall, helluva year!)

Send out a pitch per week

Published in a print journal

Sell a short story

Write the blog at least once per week


Pull in 4 successful “cold call” contracts

Present at local PDX universities

Publish an article in a trade journal/website

Write a serious of economic blog posts

Nab another evaluation


Travel to one new country

Visit Reno at least 2x

Get 3 new grants for SICO

Visit the Oregon Coast / swim in the ocean

See family members get married (Shane and Gabe)

Buy a house

Brew some beer


That’s all I have…obviously, some will fall by the wayside, and new objectives will take their place–such is life…but at least I can keep track.  What are your goals for 2018?

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